Architectural Evolution. Lessons from Merging AWS and ESP32 Development

This article reviews the architecture of cloud-based visualization of the data from ESP32 microcontroller. My experience may help other developers/architects avoid the problems I encountered during the development process. It contains the links to source code, HOWTOs locally and in AWS and lessons learnt.

Links used in the project

  1. Terraform provision configs
  2. Server configs & appps
  3. ESP32 flashware
  4. Udemy. IoT Application Development with ESP32
  5. How to Set Up a Mosquitto MQTT Broker Securely

in Summer 2024 I finished one after another trainings, namely IoT Application Development with ESP32 from Udemy and “Deploying Serverless Application on AWS with Terraform” provided by my former employer.
Have you had a feeling after passing a training “hm, that was good but I want to practice it!”. At least I had one. So I decided make a project where I can leverage the new knowledge. I set two simple goals:

  • visualize the data from ESP32 as time series, namely temperature, humidity, RSSI level.
  • add it to EPS32 embedded web-server and make it as WEB service the cloud.
Wiring diagram of ESP32 with DHT22 sensor
Wiring diagram of ESP32 with DHT22 sensor
Assembled circuit
Assembled circuit

Visualization in ESP32 embedded web-server

No issues were there. I extended original IoT course’s repository by adding chart.js library and sensor chart to embedded ESP32 web-server. My fork with extensions and detailed description is located here.

Visualization in ESP32 embedded web-server
Visualization in ESP32 embedded web-server

WEB service visualization on AWS. Initial Software Architecture

The idea was to deploy Grafana as UI on EC2, add AWS IoT Thing as MQTT Broker, use DynamoDB as data storage, set up API Gateway for accessing data over HTTP and add few lambdas to glue things together.

Architecture of AWS-based Visualization. Version 1.0
Architecture of AWS-based Visualization. Version 1.0

At that moment I didn’t really study Grafana and its data sources and naively thinking that it supports data fetching from REST API or DynamoDB out of box.

Revised Software Architecture: Attempt Two

During the development I decided to simplify design by moving from lambdas and instead use a python script for forwarding MQTT messages to DynamoDB and use DynamoDB data source in Grafana for fetching time series data. A part from that I replaced AWS IoT MQTT Broker by Eclipse Mosquitto MQTT Broker which I installed on the same EC2 instance where Grafana was. Route53 is used to have a static hostname for ESP32.

Visualization on AWS. Version two
Architecture of AWS-based Visualization. Version 2.0

At the stage when I tried to connect Grafana and DynamoDB I realized that the current architecture would require additional expenses. I avoided it and come up with the final architecture design (down below).

Anyways I decided to upload this implementation partially finished (with no Grafana connection). Even more, there are 2 configurations of MQTT communications on the server side, namely using user/pass authentication and using communication over TLS. Pay attention: SoC flashware is configured for TLS communication only.

Final Software Architecture

Only at that point I started to study Grafana and its data sources. It seemed that Prometheus together with Prometheus Pushagateway was most common choice for collecting time series data over REST.

Visualization on AWS. Version three
Architecture of AWS-based Visualization. Version 3.0
Grafana Dashboard look
Grafana Dashboard

Here are the links to the final architecture: Terraform config, SoC flashware and Grafana config (is deployed by Terraform). The final solution is not focused on security aspects. This one is left on the used user.

Lessons Learnt

After going over 3 architecture iterations, I summarize the outcome in 2 points:

  • The simpler the architecture, the better. I went down from 7 elements to 5 at the final stage.
  • Get to know all the components and the interfaces between them in your architecture. I would safe a lot of time avoiding useless implementation if I’d study Grafana beforehand.

How to reproduce

Flash ESP32

  • assemble ESP32 with a DHT22 sensor, according to wiring diagram
  • clone the course’s repo with my extenstions
  • read the and adapt the code to your needs
  • build and flash to your hardware

AWS deployment of server side

  • clone Terraform configs repo
  • read the
  • adapt techrecords_grafana.tfvars to your needs
    cd esp-data-collection-tf/prometheus-grafana/
    terraform apply  -var-file=techrecords_grafana.tfvars

    Grafana should be accessible over the port 3000 and EC2 IP (or your subdomain name from “techrecords_grafana.tfvars”)

Local deployment of server side (tested on Ubuntu 22.04)

  • invoke following commands:
    git clone
    cd esp-data-collection-srv
    docker compose up -d
  • go to grafana local page


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